这位就是此次事件中遭暗算的咏春拳名师、叶问高足、李小龙师兄、澳大利亚籍华裔武术家张卓庆师傅(SIFU WILLIAM
fu artist of year)奖项.在香港咏春人仕中引起强烈反响,已发表在香港>杂志1986年第303期的6篇文章中
R. Kernspecht)写的《Never Wrestle a Wrestler!》一文的相关描述:When my master student Emin
Boztepe challenged and defeated the Yip Man student William Cheung in Cologne in
1986, the fight began in a standing position and ended on the ground, where Emin
gained 200% control over the original Yip Man student, who was unable to free
himself after falling (See the Video "Dynamic WingTsun").
以下是亚敏·波斯铁在纽约举办的个人研讨会宣传资料中的相关内容:Emin is no stranger to controversy. In 1986 he
challenged William Cheung to a fight at one of his seminars, after Mr. Cheung
formally stated [to the world] that he could easily beat any fighter from Emin's
former organization. Emin challenged Mr. Cheung in front of his students. He
knocked Mr. Cheung to the ground and punched him about a dozen times.
Mr. Cheung, in his own defense, stated that the floor was
slippery, his shoes were slippery, that Emin was wearing body armor, and dozens
of other excuses. Mr. Cheung's altercation with Emin was recorded on videotape.
Emin says, "I didn't ambush Mr. Cheung. It was done in full view, and in front
of 80 students."
记者问:We are
sure that you've heard this question a lot of times, but this one of the most
famous event about you: your fight with William Cheung. Even now, twenty years
after that fight, it is rumored that you attacked him by treachery and even that
he won the fight. Can you tell us something more about this neverending
亚敏·波斯铁(Emin Boztepe)回答:
Sadly rumors will never
stop....but eighty people can witness what really happened. Some students of
William Cheung eventually come with me.
You see how I move, I
don't need to attack someone from behind or using any trick. The funny thing is
that during this years I always told the same version of the story, while
William Cheung and his students always change the story (I attacked him from
behind, using a photo as a trick, with a knife, with fifteen people, with a
bazooka, with a tank....)! I say this once for all: I definitely beat William Cheung up. But it's not my enemy! It was an enemy of Leung Ting and
Kernspecht, and in that time they used me. They didn't know how good William
Cheung was and, not wanting to fight him in person, they sent me, knowing I was
so loyal (I was only 22). And even now, they don't care about students but only
about money. I know what I say, because I stayed with them for over 20 years,
even if I never was one of the toady ones who are the closest to him. I have my
dignity and I know I'm in right when I say that Kerspecht is a liar and a
profiter. Even his books are not al his idea, he simply took theories and ideas
from otherones and published them with his
name. (请注意这最后一段,今天亚敏·波斯铁对他的咏春师父和师公也开始进行抨击了。) [这宗发生于1986年、德国COLOGNE的打斗事件,出事经过、过程版本颇多,甚至当事人亦在不同访问中有着差别极大的说法,归纳而言,张卓庆方面表示:
2. 张卓庆对遭到对手迅速缠倒,十馀年来有不同讲法:A.场地地板太滑。B.被穿着的布质鞋底所累。C.对手不动声息从后突袭。
就对手提出再公开比试一事,张卓庆的反应包括:A.由于出手者是受人摆布,故最重要的,是揪出和追究事件的幕后策划人。B.对手辈份比张卓庆低四辈,张卓庆认为对手根本无资格与其公开比试,张亦无兴趣对付或追究该等伏击小辈。作者: 蝠盼 时间: 2017-3-8 21:47
所以不能教他们,教会他们就会反过来杀你。作者: 俞笑天 时间: 2017-3-10 07:03